We are starting in to the spring season and that means attending our favorite Farmer’s Markets. Our next market will be the Wheeler Farm Sunday Market, a smaller market than usual due to health and safety needs, but still a great place to get our baked goods. June 7th is the opening day. The market will continue through October 2020. When you come we encourage you to wear a mask and follow social distancing while at the market. We look forward to sharing our baked goods with you again and enjoying this wonderful summer/fall market.
Please note that this year there are some additional safety rules in place. Please check posted signs for the latest guidelines. Guests and vendors should wear masks and vendors wear gloves, the entrance and exit may be limited. Please keep 6 feet apart from each other and follow the roped boundaries. Cash is still allowed but card/Square are preferred.
Wheeler’s Farm posted: “The Farmer’s Market is Sunday 9am – 2pm! We will ONLY have grower/producers and processed and packaged foods at the Market this week. We are following guidelines set up by Utah Department of Agriculture and Food to provide access to locally grown and produced foods. We hope the weather cooperates!”